Thursday, July 23, 2009

Burnside Bridge from the Eastside Esplanade on the Willamette River in Portland

Megan and I ride bikes around Portland and take pictures. This one is from a summer night a few years ago. Thanks for the fun, Megan!

1 comment:

Chrysta said...

Hi Scott, thank you for commenting on my blog!

To answer your question from September, the only difficulties I've had with connecting Mint and my financial accounts (my onPoint loan with them) is when I A) change passwords on my external accounts and do not update them on Mint, or B) select the wrong security question/answer combo for Mint to use to access the account.

As long as I make sure all the login and security info is correct, it usually works.

You've uploaded some fantastic photos, I enjoyed looking through your blog (especially the photos of Anomaly, she's very photogenic!). And by the way, congratulations on being debt-free. I'll know the feeling soon, I hope.